Keep Student Debt Reasonable

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Looking at it Square ON - The Loan Business and Study

Looking at it Square ON - The Loan Business and Study

This may seem somewhat, homespun info re: student loans and debt. I'm sure there are some sharks out there in regard to lending to students, so don't be taken in and only borrow as much as you absolutely need. You'll have to pay it all back some day and there will be other things you will want to spend money on so ..

Take a realistic look at your job possibilities once you've finished your studies. The course may seem great, but remember education is an industry, like any other, and every year there's a new crop of graduates and competition. So I suggest, you follow your dreams, sure, but don't be disappointed at the end, when pickings for jobs are low because you chose a course which is too competitive.

So as to financing - Take a look at the interest rates charged, the conditions of the loan and any other relevant factors. If you have other debts consider combining them to possibly save money.

A loan from a relative with some component of interest attached, it may be far worth your while. Older people have a duty and a joy in helping the young. Why not you? Make sure you're a great person and not a troublemaker though, noone owes it to help you, not even your parents. Be reasonable, not a child, and that way it'll work out - money is a serious business even between families.

Secondly, consider that you're truly lucky to be able to study, even though it's costing you quite a lot in the long term. How many people in the world have a chance to study and launch themselves in the free world? Not that many.

YES ! Studying at college or university is a great time - make the most of it - network with others. And when it comes to income - go for work experience, not just a job - the experience you get will promote and launch you streets ahead of a simple job. But, don't worry if thats all you can find, its still money for food and rent or holidays, isn't it ? Working (anywhere)shows an employer that you're not work shy or too proud to work in lesser positions. Having said that actual work exp, paid or unpaid, is like money in the bank and better for your prospects.

In your spare time; visualize about your working future. Write about it on forums, make your way in the world on the internet ie offline and online. Become a fuller human being, learn about yourself.

By increasing your profile, networking etc you may be noticed, and offered a position somewhere. What a way to go !! Be imaginative, enjoy being young and learn to have a can-do attitude. Lifes great but it needs to be financed and a great career will well and truly do that.

Lastly be successful, think success, live success. To your success !


Kathy Filia
Student loans and debt area - concern that young people truly know what they are signing up for and keep it all within their control, so that studying is a positive and enjoyable experience.


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